Quotes about Sign
And joy, Grandfather would remind me, joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.
- Madeleine L'Engle
joy in prayer is sign of communion with God that shows that God is everything to them.
- Andrew Murray
It would be more accurate to say that human fatherhood is metaphorical, a temporal sign of an eternal reality. God's fatherhood is true fatherhood in the truest sense.
- Scott Hahn
To this it must be added that a sincere love of the law of God is a sure sign of our adoption because it is a work of the Spirit...
- John Calvin
Who ever comes to shroud me, do not harmNor question muchThat subtle wreath of hair, which crowns my arm;The mystery, the sign you must not touch,For 'tis my outward soul,Viceroy to that, which then to heaven being gone,Will leave this to control,And keep these limbs, her provinces, from dissolution.
- John Donne
All the great works of art, the cathedrals - the Gothic cathedrals and the splendid Baroque churches - are a luminous sign of God, and thus are truly a manifestation, an epiphany of God.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Health is the condition of wisdom, and the sign is cheerfulness, - an open and noble temper.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.
- Mahatma Gandhi
For Christians do not place their hope in their children, but rather their children are a sign of their hope . . . that God has not abandoned this world.
- Stanley Hauerwas
The perceived meaninglessness of work is often part of depression. It usually, however, is a sign of depression rather than a cause. Death.
- Edward Welch
He is not drowning His sheep when He washeth them, nor killing them when He is shearing them. But by this He showeth that they are His own: and the new-shorn sheep do most visibly bear His name or mark; when it is almost worn out and scarce discernible on them that have the longest fleece.
- Richard Baxter
Ability to laugh at evil, to relativize symbols without dismissing them is usually a sign of a rather healthy person. Puritans and reformers can never laugh.
- Fr. Richard Rohr