Quotes about TRUE
Just as the normative standard for the good and for the true is God, so the ultimate standard of beauty is God.
- RC Sproul
To be converted to faith in Jesus Christ is to return to the worship of the true God, and to dethrone all rivals to his authority.
- Graham Kendrick
Should my administration prove to be a very wicked one...or a very foolish one, if you, the people, are true to yourselves and the Constitution, there is little harm I can do, thank God.
- Abraham Lincoln
The mark of the true church is an expanding witness to the presence of God.
- Gregory Beale
Nature, the handmaid of God Almighty, does nothing but with good advice, if we make research into the true reason of things.
- James Howell
Only a true faith that applies God's Word to everything-incl uding economics-will lead to the revival and reformation our culture needs so badly.
- RC Sproul
Having children made me confront my true fears and trust in God many times over in a much more intensified manner.
- Gary Thomas
You have to decide to servant the gods of materialism all around us or the true and the living God.
- Billy Graham
These are the true and only God, mighty and supreme.
- Mark Twain
The one true mark of a saint of God is the inner creativity that flows from being totally surrendered to Jesus Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
The ultimate meaning of true womanhood is this: It is a distinctive calling of God to display the glory of his Son in ways that would not be displayed if there were no womanhood.
- John Piper
And as for Pleasure, there is little in this World that is true and sincere, besides the Pleasure of doing our Duty, and of doing good.
- John Tillotson