Quotes about Tactics
As in laws or in war, the longest purse finally wins.
- Mahatma Gandhi
ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred with out a head
- Euripides
You don't throw rocks at a man with a machine gun!
- Roddy Piper
I felt that 15,000 men on the 8th would be more effective than 50,000 a month later.
- Ulysses S. Grant
For my own part, I think that Johnston's tactics were right. Anything that could have prolonged the war a year beyond the time that it did finally close, would probably have exhausted the North to such an extent that they might then have abandoned the contest and agreed to a separation.
- Ulysses S. Grant
Some commanders can move troops so as to get the maximum distance out of them without fatigue, while others can wear them out in a few days without accomplishing so much.
- Ulysses S. Grant
with the exception of wars of liberation, everything that armies do is by foul means.
- Victor Hugo
When the opponent expand, I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And, when there is an opportunity, I do not hit - it hits all by itself.
- Bruce Lee
Ladies, here's a hint. If you're up against a girl with big boobs, bring her to the net and make her hit backhand volleys. That's the hardest shot for the well-endowed.
- Billie Jean King
So much in football is touching, feeling, walking through, writing it on boards, drawing Xs and Os. And all those are the best for me.
- Tim Tebow
I absolutely love playing the game 'Risk.
- Richard Paul Evans
Alexander operated by the same principle. Let us conduct ourselves so that all men wish to be our friends and all fear to be our enemies.
- Steven Pressfield