Quotes about Stamp
Any planning in a bottle is short, thought Stamp, but he knew from personal experience the pointlessness of telling a drinking man not to.
- Toni Morrison
The chosen ones of God were those who let God pursue his interest in them, and as a result received his stamp of legitimacy.
- Eugene Peterson
You live not upon men's opinion; gold may be gold and have the king's stamp upon it, when it is trampled upon by men. Happy are you if, when the world tramples upon you in your credit and good name, yet you are the Lord's gold, stamped with our King's image, and sealed by the Spirit unto the day of your redemption.
- Samuel Rutherford
As Paul Little has pointed out, "If God were to stamp out evil today, he would do a complete job. His action would have to include our lies and personal impurities, our lack of love, and our failure to do good. Suppose God were to decree that at midnight tonight all evil would be removed from the universe—who of us would still be here after midnight?" 23
- Ravi Zacharias
The great poem must have the stamp of greatness as well as its essence.
- Henry David Thoreau