Quotes about Allow
The army was kept in as good state of fitness as the funds would allow.
- John Updike
Nothing will enter your life that God does not either decree or allow. And nothing will ever enter your life that, if you are willing to trust in him, he cannot work out for your good.
- Chip Ingram
The sadness of the women's movement is that they don't allow the necessity of love. See, I don't personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed.
- Maya Angelou
But things that are intrinsically good can also become idols—if we allow them to take over any of God's functions in our lives.
- Nancy Pearcey
But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before you, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides; they will harass you in the land where you settle.
- Numbers 33:55
Now because we are in the service of the palace and it is not fitting for us to allow the king to be dishonored, we have sent to inform the king
- Ezra 4:14
Rarely do we realize that we are in the midst of the extraordinary. Miracles occur all around us, signs from God show us the way, angels plead to be heard, but we pay little attention to them because we have been taught that we must follow certain formulas and rules if we want to find God. We do not realize that God is wherever we allow Him/Her to enter.
- Paulo Coelho
Remember, you will never change what you permit, and never challenge what you allow.
- Perry Stone
Seriously, don't be afraid to allow grace to transform your life.
- Susan May Warren
Men will allow God to be everywhere except on his Throne
- Charles Spurgeon
REACTIVE LANGUAGE PROACTIVE LANGUAGE There's nothing I can do. Let's look at our alternatives. That's just the way I am. I can choose a different approach. He makes me so mad. I control my own feelings. They won't allow that. I can create an effective presentation.
- Stephen Covey
Satan has no power over us except what we allow. Moment by moment, decision by decision, step by step - will we operate in God's all powerful Truth or allow Satan to entangle us in his lies?
- Lysa TerKeurst