Quotes about Death
he felt the chilling influence of its death-cold eyes
- Charles Dickens
We are all of us resigned to death: it's life we aren't resigned to.
- Graham Greene
He was transfused throughout our nature, in order that our nature might by this transfusion of the Divine become itself divine, rescued as it was from death, and put beyond the reach of the caprice of the antagonist.
- Gregory of Nyssa
The cross is a paradoxical religious symbol because it inverts the world's value system with the news that hope comes by way of defeat, that suffering and death do not have the last word, that the last shall be first and the first last.
- James H. Cone
Norman Cousins said, "Death is not the enemy, living in constant fear of it is.
- James Garlow
Death is not the nightmare we've been led to fear. Maybe it's no more than an effortless step out of this world into the next—nearer to God's heavenly kingdom.
- James Garlow
Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people."
- James Garlow
Religion is your seeking after a god in your own image. Christianity is God's seeking you and moving to redeem you by the death of His Son.
- James Montgomery Boice
Since my earliest childhood a barb of sorrow has lodged in my heart. As long as it stays I am ironic if it is pulled out I shall die.
- Soren Kierkegaard
God sometimes afflicts with infirmity of body. Sickness takes away the comfort of life, and makes one in deaths oft.
- Thomas Watson
We should look upon sin in two looking-glasses—the glass of Christ's blood, and the glass of death.
- Thomas Watson
Love is a holy fuel. It fires the affections, steels the courage, and carries a Christian above the love of life, and the fear of death.
- Thomas Watson