Quotes about Death
The most dangerous man on earth is the man who has reckoned with his own death. All men die; few men ever really live. Sure, you can create a safe life for yourself... and end your days in a rest home babbling on about some forgotten misfortune. I'd rather go down swinging. Besides, the less we are trying to "save ourselves," the more effective a warrior we will be.
- John Eldredge
He must desire life like water and yet drink death like wine.
- John Eldredge
She dwells with Beauty--Beauty that must die: And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips, bidding Adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh, Turning to poison while the bee mouths sips:
- John Keats
Can death be sleep, when life is but a dream, And scenes of bliss pass as a phantom by? The transient pleasures as a vision seem, And yet we think the greatest pain's to die.
- John Keats
As inscribed on John Keats' tombstone: This Grave contains all that was Mortal, of a YOUNG ENGLISH POET, Who on his Death Bed, in the Bitterness of his Heart, at the Malicious Power of his Enemies Desired these Words to be engraven on his Tomb Stone: Here lies One Whose Name was writ in Water. Feb 24 1821
- John Keats
I would have borne it as I would bear death if fate was in that humour: but I should as soon think of choosing to die as to part from you.
- John Keats
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast, To feel for ever its soft swell and fall, Awake for ever in a sweet unrest, Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath, And so live ever-or else swoon to death.
- John Keats
Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying.
- Martin Luther
Your faith is very important. I have done the math, and you are going to be dead a whole lot longer that you will be alive.
- Zig Ziglar
Only faith in Christ gives rise to a culture contrary to egotism and death.
- Pope John Paul II
As for me, my charter is Jesus Christ, the inviolable charter is His cross and His death and resurrection, and faith through Him.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Death is hell and night and cold, if it is not transformed by our faith. But that is just what is so marvelous, that we can transform death.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer