Quotes about Death
Death will come in any case, and there is a long afterwards if the priests are right and nothing to fear if they are wrong.
- Graham Greene
We feel pain as an outrage; Jesus did too, which is why he performed miracles of healing. In Gethsemane, he did not pray, "Thank you for this opportunity to suffer," but rather pled desperately for an escape. And yet he was willing to undergo suffering in service of a higher goal. In the end he left the hard questions ("if there be any other way . . .") to the will of the Father, and trusted that God could use even the outrage of his death for good.
- Philip Yancey
On a small scale, person-to-person, Jesus encountered the kinds of suffering common to all of us. And how did he respond? Avoiding philosophical theories and theological lessons, he reached out with healing and compassion. He forgave sin, healed the afflicted, cast out evil, and even overcame death.
- Philip Yancey
Death, decay, entropy, and destruction are the true suspensions of God's laws; miracles are the early glimpses of restoration.
- Philip Yancey
Death becomes the expression of everything you are, and you can bring to it only what you have brought to your life," said Roemer after the filming.
- Philip Yancey
You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you," he said.
- Philip Yancey
We need a renewed awareness of death, yes. But we need far more. We need a faith, in the midst of our groaning, that death is not the last word, but the next to last. What is mortal will be swallowed up by life.
- Philip Yancey
In the shadow of death may we not look back to the past, but seek in utter darkness the dawn of God.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Only marriage combines all three forms of companionship - spouse is family, best friend, and permanent companion. This is why it is widely held that while the death of a child is the most painful loss, the death of a spouse is the most disorienting one.
- Dennis Prager
There is no UHaul behind the hearse.
- Denzel Washington
We experience what life and death really are when we love, for in love we go out of ourselves, become capable of happiness and at the same time can be hurt.
- Jurgen Moltmann
If it were merely sin that existed, and not the resulting transience as well, contrition would be appropriate', said Athanasius, and goes on: `But God becomes human and subjects himself to "the law of death" so as to take away death's power over human beings and his creation, and in order to bring immortality to light.'16
- Jurgen Moltmann