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Quotes about Death

Love is the one eternal thing and takes away your foundational fear of death. This is very good stuff.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The self that begins the journey is not the self that arrives at the Gospel. The self that begins is the self that we think ourselves to be, the superior self we want to be. This is the self that dies along the way— until 'no one' is left. This is the true self that all Great Religion talks about, the self bigger than death yet born of death, a different self than the private I, a self transformed by God and transformed in God.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
you must first "go into the tomb" with Jesus (Romans 6:4)
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Both Christianity and Buddhism are saying that the pattern of transformation, the pattern that connects, the life that Reality offers us is not death avoided, but always death transformed. In other words, the only trustworthy pattern of spiritual transformation is death and resurrection.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Jesus was killed in a collision of cross-purposes, conflicting interests, and half-truths, caught between the demands of an empire and the religious establishment of his day.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The resolution of earthly embodiment and divinization is what I call incarnational mysticism. As has been said many times, there are finally only two subjects in all of literature and poetry: love and death. Only that which is limited and even dies grows in value and appreciation; it is the spiritual version of supply and demand. If we lived forever, they say, we would never take life seriously or learn to love what is. I think that is probably true.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Without a sense of the inherent sacredness of the world—of every tiny bit of life and death—we struggle to see God in our own reality, let alone to respect reality, protect it, or love it.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
As my father, Saint Francis, put it, "If you have once faced the great death, the second death can do you no harm.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
All who hold any kind of unexplainable hope believe in resurrection, whether they are formal Christians or not, and even if they don't believe Jesus was physically raised from the dead.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
To hold the full mystery of life is always to endure its other half, which is the equal mystery of death and doubt. To know anything fully is always to hold that part of it which is still mysterious and unknowable.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
the opposite of rational is not always irrational, but it can also be transrational or bigger than the rational mind can process; things like love, death, suffering, God, and infinity are transrational experiences. Both myth and mature religion understand this. The transrational has the capacity to keep us inside an open system and a larger horizon so that the soul, the heart, and the mind do not close down inside of small and constricted space.
- Fr. Richard Rohr