Quotes about Death
Just as the light of the sun, while it invigorates a living and animated body, produces effluvia in a carcass; so it is certain that the sacraments where the Spirit of faith is not present, breathes mortiferous rather than vital odour.
- John Calvin
God has so ordained and governed the Christian church that the cross has been the preparation for victory, and death the way to life.
- John Calvin
This was why I published the Institutes — to defend against unjust slander my brothers whose death was precious in the Lord's sight.
- John Calvin
Let us know, therefore, that when we have departed from Christ, nothing remains for us but death.
- John Calvin
For, the counsel of God confronts us with the truth that the Righteous One was delivered to death for our sins, and his blood was our ransom from death.
- John Calvin
But however they may sport with its uncertainty, had they to seal their own doctrine with their blood, and at the expense of life, it would be seen what value they put upon it. Very different is our confidence - a confidence which is not appalled by the terrors of death, and therefore not even by the judgment - seat of God.
- John Calvin
The law, in so far as it leads men to put their confidence in it, consigns them necessarily to death.
- John Calvin
I have told you that it is I. Here we see how the Son of God not only submits to death of his own accord, that by his obedience he may blot out our transgressions, but also how he discharges the office of a good Shepherd in protecting his flock.
- John Calvin
The law itself does not produce sin; it finds sin in us. It offers life to us; but we, being evil, derive nothing but death from it.
- John Calvin
The greatest victory of God took place when Christ, having overcome sin, conquered death, and put Satan to flight, was lifted up to heaven in majesty, that he might reign gloriously over the church. Therefore
- John Calvin
God was pleased to indicate and typify both the gift of future and eternal felicity by terrestrial blessings, as well as the dreadful nature of spiritual death by bodily punishments, at that time when he delivered his covenant to the Israelites as under a kind of veil.
- John Calvin
But this we may positively state, that nobody has made any progress in the school of Christ unless he cheerfully looks forward to the day of his death and to the day of the final resurrection.
- John Calvin