Quotes about Death
Sin's masterpiece of shame and hate became God's masterpiece of mercy and forgiveness. Through the death of Christ upon the cross, sin itself was crucified for those who believe in Him.
- Billy Graham
Jesus was born with the cross darkening His pathway . . . From the cradle to the cross, [Jesus'] purpose was to die.
- Billy Graham
When Jesus hung on the cross, a great unseen cosmic battle raged in the heavens—and in the end, Christ triumphed over all the forces of evil and death and hell.
- Billy Graham
We now have the advantage of a few years more of life, but death is still standing at the end of the road.
- Billy Graham
From the moment a child is born, the death process, and the fight against it, begins.
- Billy Graham
Jesus Christ was the Master Realist when He urged men to prepare for death, which was certain to come. Do not worry, said the Lord Jesus, about the death of the body, but rather concern yourself with the eternal death of the soul.
- Billy Graham
Death is not the end of the road—it is merely a gateway to eternal life beyond the grave.
- Billy Graham
Throughout our culture we have been led to the idea that we accept death as the end of life on earth . . .Time bound as we are and goal oriented to achievements in our lifetime, we find it strange to anticipate heaven.
- Billy Graham
Sooner or later, we are going to face death; should we be making preparations while we are living?
- Billy Graham
Death is said in the Bible to be a coronation for the Christian.
- Billy Graham
It is strange that men will prepare for everything except death. We prepare for education. We prepare for business. We prepare for our careers. We prepare for marriage. We prepare for old age. We prepare for everything except the moment we are to die.
- Billy Graham
Death reduces all men to the same rank. It strips the rich of his millions and the poor man of his rags . . .Death knows no age limits, no partiality. It is a thing that all men fear.
- Billy Graham