Quotes about Commitment
When we enter into a covenant relationship with God, we tend to focus on the fact that we are legally and morally bound to God, but God is also legally and morally bound to us. The gospel demands that we give all of ourselves to God, but when we do, God gives all of Himself to us.
- Mark Batterson
Only God can make the appointment, but only you can keep the appointment.
- Mark Batterson
Consecration is going all in and all out for the All in All.
- Mark Batterson
Following Jesus is a verb.
- Mark Batterson
When God stirs our spirit or breaks our heart, we cannot sit back. We've got to step up and step in. We've got to go all in by going all out. But if we have the courage to make the choice or take the risk, it will become the defining moment of our lives.
- Mark Batterson
We want everything God has to offer without giving anything up.
- Mark Batterson
If you go all in and all out for the cause of Christ, there will be setbacks along the way. But remember this: without a crucifixion there can be no resurrection! And when you have a setback, you do not take a step back, because God is already preparing your comeback.
- Mark Batterson
Please read prayerfully what I'm about to write. When God puts a passion in your heart, whether it be relieving starvation in Africa or educating children in the inner city or making movies with redemptive messages, that God-ordained passion becomes your responsibility. And you have a choice to make. Are you going to be irresponsibly responsible or responsibly irresponsible?
- Mark Batterson
if you give all of yourself to God, you can ask and expect that God will give all of Himself to you because that's precisely what He wants to do. We have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we're not all in!
- Mark Batterson
We need to study the Word of God diligently. But we don't need to know more. We need to do more with what we know. At the end of the day, God will not say, "Well thought, Intellectual," or "Well said, Orator." There is only one commendation: "Well done, good and faithful servant!
- Mark Batterson
We'll never see God part the Jordan River if our feet are firmly planted on dry ground. But if we step into the river, God will part it.
- Mark Batterson
Going all in is following in the footsteps of Jesus wherever they may lead us
- Mark Batterson