Quotes about Discernment
When we accept our complete belovedness, we stop judging ourselves and other people; as a result, other people begin to feel safe with us. When we open the hospitality of our hearts to the Spirit, the Spirit frees us to extend hospitality to our fellow humans and all God's creation. The Spirit's hospitality becomes ours, and we experience the alignment of our will with God's will—a traditional definition of successful discernment.
- Henri Nouwen
Where does God lead us as a people?" This question requires that we pay careful attention to God's guidance in our life together, and that together we search for a creative response to the way we have heard God's voice in our midst.
- Henri Nouwen
The loud, boisterous noises of the world make us deaf to the soft, gentle, and loving voice of God. A Christian leader is called to help people hear that voice and so be comforted and consoled.
- Henri Nouwen
This pattern of discerning God's hidden presence involves at least four spiritual practices: 1) interpreting scripture, or theological reflection 2) staying, sometimes called abiding or remaining in prayer 3) breaking bread, or recognizing the presence of Christ in the Eucharist 4) remembering Jesus, or the 'burning heart' experience. These components form a biblically grounded and traditionally understood practice of discerning the divine presence in daily life.
- Henri Nouwen
Sometimes we are inclined to class those who are once-and-a-half witted with the half-witted, because we appreciate only a third part of their wit.
- Henry David Thoreau
God doesn't want people to do what they think is best: he wants them to do what he knows is best, and no amount of reasoning and intellectualizing will discover that. God himself must reveal it.
- Henry Blackaby
Leaders who continually invest large amounts of time into people who refuse to do God's will are investing their time unwisely. On
- Henry Blackaby
If you young fellows were wise, the devil couldn't do anything to you, but since you aren't wise, you need us who are old.
- Martin Luther
Kids are smart: don't underestimate their bull detector. Contemporary kids have access to a lot of information, so don't even try to fool them. I have never been more nervous about my research than when writing for young adults because they pick up every single error.
- Isabel Allende
Pay attention to the people God puts in your path if you want to discern what God is up to in your life.
- Henri Nouwen
God doesn't want us to be happy when it causes us to do something wrong or unwise
- Craig Groeschel
I'm the one guy who says don't force the stupid people to be quiet - I want to know who the morons are.
- Mark Cuban