Quotes about Discernment
If you are not careful you will find yourself actually in the employ of the devil. He is powerful, slick, crafty, wily, and subtle.
- Billy Graham
In our desire to achieve success quickly it is easy to get our values mixed up and call evil good and good evil.
- Billy Graham
Too many so-called Christians are like the little chameleon which adapts its coloration to that of its surroundings. Even a critical world is quick to recognize a real Christian and just as quick to detect a counterfeit.
- Billy Graham
Sin also affects the conscience, until one becomes slow to detect the approach of sin.
- Billy Graham
As a person finds God's will for his or her life, matters of conscience can be handled with perception from the Holy Spirit.
- Billy Graham
Your eyes should never be lent to the devil; they belong to God. Be careful how you use your eyes!
- Billy Graham
Do not seek solace in alcohol. Alcohol obscures good judgment and leaves you unable to think clearly or understand what God is trying to say to you.
- Billy Graham
When you are unsure whether or not something is wrong, ask yourself these questions: Does this glorify God? Can I offer a prayer of thanksgiving for it? Does it draw me closer to Christ, or does it make me preoccupied with this world? Will it harm my health or hurt me in some other way? Will it cause someone else to stumble spiritually or morally? I have never forgotten what a wise Christian said to me many years ago: "When in doubt—don't!
- Billy Graham
We are never to do anything of which we are not perfectly clear and certain. If you have a doubt about that particular thing that is bothering you, as to whether it is worldly or not, the best policy is "don't do it.
- Billy Graham
Sometimes we face "gray areas," things that aren't necessarily forbidden by the Bible but still may not belong in our lives.
- Billy Graham
All transgressions begin with sinful thinking... guard against the pictures of lewdness and sensuality that Satan flashes upon the screen of your imagination, select with care the books you read, choose discerningly the kind of entertainment you attend, the kind of associates with whom you mingle, and the kind of environment in which you place yourself.
- Billy Graham
Schooling people in the ways of ongoing discernment produces a greater receptivity to the tradition of the church and at the same time creates the freedom that will make them more responsive to the will of God throughout their lives.
- Blase J. Cupich