Quotes about Discernment
The Truth lies not in the Yes and not in the No, but in the knowledge and the beginning from which the Yes and the No arise.
- Karl Barth
When we are at our wits' end for an answer, then the Holy Spirit can give us an answer. But how can He give us an answer when we are still well supplied with all sorts of answers of our own?
- Karl Barth
Discerning someone's character, true values, and suitability for marriage is hard work. It takes time, counsel, and a healthy dose of objective self-doubt and skepticism. Identifying someone as "God's chosen" or Plato's "soul mate" is comparatively easy. You "feel" it in your gut. It seems right. You can't imagine anyone else. You must have found the one!
- Gary Thomas
You won't hear a character's friend say this in a romantic comedy. Taylor Swift won't sing this, Eminem won't rap it, and Suzanne Collins won't write it, but it's true: just because you're "in love" with someone doesn't mean you should seriously consider marrying them.
- Gary Thomas
Here's the reality: many women are led into marriage primarily through romantic idealism, and many men are swept to the altar through sexual attraction. Before you can make a wise marital choice, you have to rid yourself of inferior motivations. The wrong why will lead you to the wrong who.
- Gary Thomas
Chapter 8 explores Jesus' famous passage where he warns us not to throw pearls to pigs. Chapter 9 looks at the difference between labeling and name-calling; if it seems harsh to you to call someone "toxic," you'll find this chapter particularly helpful.
- Gary Thomas
Men who are filled with the Spirit—they are alive to God, and God is active in them—and men who are full of wisdom. You won't regret making a choice founded on that basis.
- Gary Thomas
If you have an extra shirt to give to a toxic person, be kind. If you can give to a difficult individual without taking time away from a reliable individual, go for it. But if your investment of time and money keeps you from fulfilling your ministry and fighting your own battles, including investing in other reliable people, it's time to reevaluate. It's time to say no—even to your children.
- Gary Thomas
As it pertains to you and me, let's admit we can't reach everyone, so let's invest our time in the reliable people we can reach. Find out who is toxic to you, consider walking away, and entrust them to God.
- Gary Thomas
Bad things happen for multiple reasons, and only the Holy Spirit can reveal the source of trouble in any particular situation.
- Kenneth Copeland
I am not promising that God will give you everything you want. There are times when we want things that God knows would not be good for us.
- Joyce Meyer
We have to ask ourselves, 'Am I really trying to discern God's will, or determine whether I want to do it?'
- Erwin McManus