Quotes about Discernment
Seja mais sábio do que os outros se puder, mas não avise a ninguém.
- Dale Carnegie
You were not born with judgment. That comes only with experience
- Dale Carnegie
And he will bring justice to the nations. He will not quarrel, nor scream at people. You will not be able to hear his voice above the chatter of the street. In bringing discernment of what is good and right to the point where it actually governs human existence, he will not use even the violence it takes to finish breaking a stick that is already cracked or smother a smoking wick. (Matt. 12:18—21, quoted from Isa. 42:1—4)
- Dallas Willard
If you believe God has told you to do something, ask him to confirm it to you three times: through his word, through circumstances, and through other people who may know nothing of the situation. "This precept of three witnesses is not a law, but it is a good rule of thumb in an area where rules of thumb are badly needed".
- Dallas Willard
In charting one's course in life, it is important never to forget that many things that cannot be called wrong or evil are nevertheless not good for us.
- Dallas Willard
Genius, it is said, is the ability to scrutinize the obvious.
- Dallas Willard
It may seem strange but doing the will of God is a different matter than just doing what God wants us to do. The two are so far removed, in fact, that we can be solidly in the will of God, and know that we are, without knowing God's preference with regard to various details of our lives.
- Dallas Willard
Prayer and speaking with God must be carefully distinguished from superstition in how they work.
- Dallas Willard
Learn us all the refinement and education that there's a better use for the mouth than running private opinions through it.
- William Faulkner
I got vision; the rest of the world is wearing bifocals.
- William Goldman
It seems to me there are times when you have to act and times when you have to wait, but the hardest times are those when you want to do one but you have to do the other and you're not sure which is the best.
- Chris Fabry
When you listen for the words of God and follow them, you will hear more. When you do not listen or do not follow, you will hear less and less until finally you may not hear at all.
- Henry B. Eyring