Quotes about Discernment
but test all things. Hold fast to what is good.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:21
Do not be too quick in the laying on of hands and thereby share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.
- 1 Timothy 5:22
The sins of some men are obvious, going ahead of them to judgment; but the sins of others do not surface until later.
- 1 Timothy 5:24
Consider what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all things.
- 2 Timothy 2:7
But reject foolish and ignorant speculation, for you know that it breeds quarreling.
- 2 Timothy 2:23
But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, arguments, and quarrels about the law, because these things are pointless and worthless.
- Titus 3:9
But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained their senses to distinguish good from evil.
- Hebrews 5:14
Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers.
- James 1:16
Such wisdom does not come from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
- James 3:15
I have written these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you.
- 1 John 2:26
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world.
- 1 John 4:1
They are of the world. That is why they speak from the world’s perspective, and the world listens to them.
- 1 John 4:5