Quotes about Attraction
Are you the new person drawn toward me?
- Walt Whitman
Sin makes us fools. We are easily deceived, attracted to hollow and deceptive philosophy, and enticed by arguments that lead us away from Christ. Sin blinds us to our sin!
- Timothy Lane
That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people would want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste.
- Oscar Wilde
I don't think there is a woman in the world who would not be a little flattered if one made love to her. It is that which makes women so irresistibly adorable.
- Oscar Wilde
If a woman wants to hold a man she has merely to appeal to what is worst in him.
- Oscar Wilde
Notice there are three things about the tree that caught Eve's attention. It was (1) good for food, (2) pleasant to the eyes, and (3) desirable to make one wise.
- Dallas Willard
One has to feel strong revulsion toward the wrong feeling one now has or is likely to have and at the same time strong attraction to good feeling that one does not now feel.
- Dallas Willard
There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.
- Mark Twain
The first thing men notice about a woman is her eyes. Then, when her eyes aren't looking, they notice her breasts.
- Conan O'Brien
Attraction is what happens between you. It's not universal. And it's not conventional. And thank God for that.
- Rainbow Rowell
Interestingly, there has been significant research done with people experiencing what we call infatuation. When we have this experience we could call falling into infatuation (or falling into romantic interest), chemicals are secreted in the brain, causing light-headedness, dizziness, and a flood of emotions that we can't explain. Certain people trigger that kind of response in us. We are almost instantly drawn to them.
- Chip Ingram
Is the world crucified to you or does it fascinate you?
- Leonard Ravenhill