Quotes about Dedication
We will probably have to pay a price for devoting our lives to building the kingdom of God. Jesus did.
- Bill Hybels
If I'm doing something as an offering unto the Lord, I want to give God my best.
- Stephen Kendrick
Your powers are dead or dedicated. If they are dedicated, they are alive with God and tingle with surprising power. If they are saved up, taken care of for their own ends, they are dead.
- E Stanley Jones
Let not then any one deceive you, as indeed you are not deceived, in as much as you are wholly devoted to God.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Resolved, never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God; nor be, nor suffer it, if I can avoid it.
- Jonathan Edwards
Be faithful in little things, for in them your strength lies. To the good God nothing is little, because He is so great and we are so small.
- Mother Teresa
We are called to show utter commitment to the God who is revealed in Jesus and to all those to whom His invitation is addressed.
- Rowan Williams
God is never satisfied with anything less than all.
- AW Tozer
If we do not roll up our sleeves to the task of the Gospel in our days, then we will amount to virtually nothing for God.
- Alistair Begg
Once the call of God comes to you, start going and never stop.
- Oswald Chambers
Godly character flows out of devotion to God and practically confirms the reality of that devotion.
- Jerry Bridges
Prayers belong strictly to the worship of God. Fasting is a subordinate aid, which is pleasing to God no farther than as it aids the earnestness and fervency of prayer.
- John Calvin