Quotes about Christians
Christians are spoken of as those "that have fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before them," Heb. 6:18
- Jonathan Edwards
But so successful would Wilberforce and these other Christians be at bringing a concern for the poor and a social conscience into the society at large that by the next century, during the Victorian era, this attitude would become culturally mainstream.
- Eric Metaxas
Churches that never deal with the real fight that following My Son requires often grow large but mostly with small Christians.
- Larry Crabb
the world exercises dominion by force and Christ and Christians conquer by service.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Nothing is easier than to stimulate the euphoria of community in a few days of life together and nothing is more fatal to the healthy, sober, everyday life in community of Christians.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I do not ask for grace of style, I look for purity of soul: for with Christians it is the greatest of solecisms and of vices of style to introduce anything base either in word or action.
- Jerome
Oh, unheard of compassion of the apostle! In seeking to make the Jews Christians, he himself became a Jew! For he could not have persuaded the luxurious to become temperate if he had not himself become luxurious like them;
- Jerome
Christmas is a season which almost all Christians observe in one way or another. Some keep it as a religious season. Some keep it as a holiday. But all over the world, wherever there are Christians, in one way or another Christmas is kept.
- JC Ryle
My primary assessment would be because American Christians tend to be incredibly self-indulgent, so they see the church as a place there for them to meet their needs and to express faith in a way that is meaningful for them.
- Erwin McManus
For, if we have not charity, we are not Christians: charity is the great duty of Christians.
- George Whitefield
Only one more indispensable massacre of Capitalists or Communists or Fascists or Christians or Heretics, and there we are—there we are in the Golden Future.
- Aldous Huxley
One reason whites, men, and Christians are so hated by the elitist establishment is that they tend to be conservative.
- Jesse Lee Peterson