Quotes about Christians
few years ago, the Barna Group, a prominent research company, went to every state in the US and asked young non-Christians what their perceptions of Christians were. What they found was heartbreaking. The top three answers were: (1) anti-gay, (2) judgmental, (3) hypocritical. And they did not say the number one thing Jesus said we should be known for: loving.
- Shane Claiborne
Of all people, we Christians should be building friendships and protecting the dignity of human beings, even those of other faiths. I loved seeing Christians in Iraq stand guard as peacekeepers outside the mosques while Muslims gathered for prayer, and Muslims doing the same for Christians.
- Shane Claiborne
It was the cry of grace, of agonizing, scandalous love. Those same words would be heard over and over from the mouths of martyrs and Christians throughout history. They
- Shane Claiborne
The matter is quite simple. The Bible is very easy to understand. But we Christians are a bunch of scheming swindlers. We pretend to be unable to understand it because we know very well that the minute we understand, we are obliged to act accordingly.
- Shane Claiborne
Feelings are great liars. If Christians worshipped only when they felt like it, there would be precious little worship. Feelings are important in many areas but completely unreliable in matters of faith.
- Eugene Peterson
Silence, he told us, was hugely undervalued in our American way of life as a way of being in communion with one another and with God. American Christians were conspicuously deficient. "Think of it as remedial silence." This would be three days for practicing silence. "These might be the quietest three days you will ever spend. Don't waste them."
- Eugene Peterson
The hunger problem is not going to be solved by government or by industry but in church, among Christians who learn a different way to pursue happiness.
- Eugene Peterson
I believe the truths of the Bible. I just think that all too often we Christians have a tendency to try to pick and choose what we want to remember so that we can put God into a box of our choosing. He won't fit. God works outside those artificial boxes of human design.
- Hannah Alexander
The enemy's hope for Christians is that we will either be so ineffective we have no testimony, or we'll ruin the one we have.
- Beth Moore
How could this congregation of Christians so unthinkingly absorb the world's fearful anxiety and hateful distrust—and so easily?
- Beth Moore
It was funny that rank-and-file evangelicals were ahead of all the leadership. They saw for decades conservative Republicans had made promises to them on issues that were important to Christians and conservatives when they were running for office. But when they won, they didn't keep those promises.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Many of the wicked are receiving their wages now. Many Christians who may not be succeeding according to the world's standards now, will reap great rewards in heaven.
- Billy Graham