Quotes about Consistency
Successful people do daily what unsuccessful people do occasionally. They practice daily disciplines. They implement systems for their personal growth. They make it a habit to maintain a positive attitude. At the very least, these things keep their personal momentum going. At their very best, they make every day a masterpiece.
- John Maxwell
Moving uphill requires intentionality, energy, determination, hard work, and consistency.
- John Maxwell
Trust must be built day by day. It calls for consistency. Some of the ways a leader can betray trust include: breaking promises, gossiping, withholding information, and being two-faced. These actions destroy the environment of trust necessary for the growth of potential leaders. And when a leader breaks trust, he must work twice as hard to regain it.
- John Maxwell
Successful people make right decisions early and manage those decisions daily.
- John Maxwell
Having integrity is about being the same person on the inside that we are on the outside, and if we don't have integrity, life becomes exhausting. I wonder how many people get tempted by the gains they can make by playing a role, only to pay for those temptations in public isolation.
- Donald Miller
Paul said, "Continue in prayer and, "Pray without ceasing." He did not mean that people should be always on their knees, but he did mean that our prayers should be like the continual burned-offering steadily preserved in every day; that it should be like seed-time and harvest, and summer and winter, unceasingly coming round at regular seasons; that it should be like the fire on the altar, not always consuming sacrifices, but never completely going out.
- JC Ryle
When you consistently make better choices you create better habits. These better habits produce better character. When you have better character, you add more value to the world. When you become more valuable, you attract bigger and better opportunities. This allows you to make more of a contribution in your life. This in turn leads to bigger and better results.
- Jack Canfield
You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
- Jack Canfield
The snake's lack of peace on the outside was because of his own lack of peace on the inside…..Spurgeon goes on to equate this viper o people whose irritation is utterly unreasonable. They don't have peace on the inside, therefore it probably won't be possible for them to live with a consistency of peace on the outside.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Between any trial and the blessing that comes from that trial, there is a pathway we must walk — that pathway is perseverance. Perseverance means having an urgency, firmness, resolve, and consistency. And, while the joy of the blessing may seem a long way off, signposts or mile markers of joy line the way. These will help us persevere with resolve and consistency if we "consider" them.
- Lysa TerKeurst
We're all desperate to anchor our souls to something we can trust won't change. It
- Lysa TerKeurst
Perseverance means having an urgency, firmness, resolve, and consistency.
- Lysa TerKeurst