Quotes about Excellence
The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.
- JRR Tolkien
To build a winning team you must create a positive culture where negativity can't breed and grow, and the sooner you start weeding it from your team the stronger and more positively contagious your culture and team will be.
- Jon Gordon
God made you to be great so He wants you to pursue greatness. But this pursuit must include trust and faith in Him. Your desire for God must be greater than your desire for success.
- Jon Gordon
The crafts-person is only thinking about building his work with love... when you care about your work you stand out in a world where most don't care. Caring leads to success.
- Jon Gordon
If we take reason strictly, the perceiving of spiritual beauty and excellence no more belongs to reason than it belongs to the sense of feeling to perceive colors or to the power of seeing to perceive the sweetness of food.
- Jonathan Edwards
True virtue never looks so lovely as when it is most oppressed, and the divine excellence of real Christianity is never demonstrated as clearly as when it faces trials.
- Jonathan Edwards
The Creator is infinite. This means he has all possible existence, perfection, and excellence. This means he must also have all possible honor and respect. In every way God is first and supreme. His excellent qualities are the supreme beauty and glory, the original good, and the fountain of all good. This, of course, means that he must in every way have the highest regard and honor.
- Jonathan Edwards
Secondly, It evidences his blessedness also, as it intimates that this knowledge is above any that flesh and blood can reveal. "This is such knowledge as my Father which is in heaven only can give: it is too high and excellent to be communicated by such means as other knowledge is. Thou art blessed, that thou knowest that which God alone can teach thee." The
- Jonathan Edwards
II. Their people are an excellent and happy people. God has renewed them, and instamped his own image upon them, and made them partakers of his holiness. They are more excellent than their neighbors, Prov. xii. 26.
- Jonathan Edwards
If we recognize our talents and use them appropriately, and choose a field that uses those talents, we will rise to the top of our field.
- Ben Carson
I honor Billy Graham. He is a category by himself.
- Reinhard Bonnke
I have spent my entire adult life trying to make Liberty University the world-class Christian university that was envisioned at its founding.
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.