Quotes about Victory
Success is not final, failure is not fatal
- Winston Churchill
Spare the conquered and confront the proud.
- Winston Churchill
The Church is a perpetually defeated thing that always outlives her conquerers.
- Hilaire Belloc
And I saw a light-filled man emerge from the aforesaid dawn and pour his brightness over the aforementioned darkness; it repulsed him; he turned blood-red and pallid, but struck back against the darkness with such force that the man who was lying in the darkness became visible and resplendent.
- Hildegard of Bingen
Our God loves triumphing over what looks impossible; therefore, he calls an ambush without any means of escape "an opportunity"!
- Lisa Bevere
Attempting to defeat the enemy by wrestling with people could be likened to trying to destroy a tree by picking all its fruit.
- Lisa Bevere
Saul fell upon his sword to avoid suffering. Jesus stretched himself upon the cross to take away ours. Saul's suicide cheated his enemies. Jesus' sacrifice cheated death.
- Lisa Bevere
As our God Most High fights, we flourish. As err his people flourish, our God strikes the killing blow. The battles in heaven are seen on earth, and the battles of earth do not escape the notice of heaven. We flourish when we are one with each other and with heaven's purpose.
- Lisa Bevere
If you are not praying the type of prayers that scare you, your prayers are certainly not frightening our enemy.
- Lisa Bevere
To vanquish without peril is to triumph without glory.
- Pierre Corneille
We're more concerned about our own victory over sin than we are about the fact that our sins grieve God's heart.
- Jerry Bridges
A successful outcome shows what hard work, perseverance and taking advantage of your opportunities will do for you.
- Will Rogers