Quotes about Victory
If you think you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary to victory.
- William Hazlitt
What woman would not appreciate a God who becomes her attorney, assumes her case, requires no fee, and wins her the victory?
- Bishop TD Jakes
Focus on giants - you stumble. Focus on God - Giants tumble.
- Max Lucado
David was the last one we would have chosen to fight the giant, but he was chosen of God.
- DL Moody
Anything that God wants you to have, there's no devil in hell and no person on earth that can keep you from having it if you just won't quit and give up.
- Joyce Meyer
Your situation does not embarrass God because He has solution.
- TB Joshua
Let the presence of God INVADE you today. It's all about Him...don't get distracted by the stupid things of the enemy. Remember, God wins! :)
- Kari Jobe
God almost never calls His people to a fair fight.
- George Otis
Even if the forces of darkness appear to prevail, those who believe in God know that evil and death do not have the final say.
- Pope John Paul II
The battle is lost or won in the secret places of the will before God, never first in the external world.
- Oswald Chambers
The overcoming power is God's; the overcoming privilege is ours!
- James Hayford
God can take your most monstrous failures and turn them into triumphs such as you never could imagine.
- Tony Evans