Quotes about Victory
Unbounded courage and compassion join'd, Tempering each other in the victor's mind, Alternately proclaim him good and great, And make the hero and the man complete.
- Joseph Addison
So when the crisis is upon you remember that God like a trainer of wrestlers has matched you with a tough and stalwart antagonist... that you may prove a victor at the Great Games.
- Epictetus
Day turned to night, His friends scattered and death thought it had won. But heaven just started counting to three
- Bob Goff
The cross is Jesus going into the very lair of death. He goes to meet head-on that which frightens us the most. And what does He do? He battles it. He engages it. And finally he conquers it.
- Robert Barron
There is no death of sin without the death of Christ.
- John Owen
There is only one belief that can rob death of its sting and the grave of its victory. For without that you cannot be born again.
- George Bernard Shaw
Death is the ultimate weapon of the tyrant; resurrection does not make a covenant with death, it overthrows it.
- NT Wright
Sin was conquered on the cross. Christ's death is the foundation of our hope, the promise of our triumph.
- Billy Graham
Jesus Christ our Lord surrendered in order that He might win; He destroyed His enemies by dying for them and conquered death by allowing death to conquer Him.
- AW Tozer
Yes, He is ris'n who is the First and Last; Who was and is; who liveth and was dead; Beyond the reach of death He now has pass 'd, Of the one glorious Church the glorious Head.
- Horatius Bonar
Christ, because of who He is, can look death in the face.
- Alistair Begg
Everywhere a greater joy is preceded by a greater suffering
- Philip Yancey