Quotes about Volition
But we do know that much of what we commonly describe as Christian behavior is not volitional at all—it is enforced. But worship is not forced. Everyone who worships does so because he or she wants to.
- Eugene Peterson
Love can only be found in freedom of choice. And for choice to exist, there must be an alternative to choose. Something as compelling as love.
- Ted Dekker
We are free to choose our actions, . . . but we are not free to choose the consequences of these actions.
- Stephen Covey
There are no have-to's, just choices
- Eleanor Roosevelt
All is foreseen, but freedom of choice is given.
- Akiva ben Joseph
And whensoever thou findest thyself; that thou art in danger of a relapse, and that thou art not able to master and overcome those difficulties and temptations that present themselves in thy present station: get thee into any private corner, where thou mayst be better able. Or if that will not serve forsake even thy life rather. But so that it be not in passion but in a plain voluntary modest way: this being the only commendable action of thy whole life that thus thou art departed
- Marcus Aurelius
Always a choice, even in not choosing.
- Elizabeth Musser
A man has free choice to the extent that he is rational.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
All that is done on compulsion is bitterness to the soul.
- Aristotle
All human actions have one or more of these seven causes; chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire.
- Aristotle
And, generally speaking, all things are good which men deliberately choose to do;
- Aristotle
You can do what you will: but at each given moment of your life you can will only one determined thing and by no means anything other than this one.
- Arthur Schopenhauer