Quotes about Volition
You have the freedom to choose your actions, you don't have the freedom to choose the consequences of your actions
- Albert Camus
Even choosing to do nothing is still making a choice.
- Mark Batterson
For while we may debate our freedom to choose, there is no doubt that we are not free not to choose.
- Os Guinness
For not only did he welcome our appeal, but he is eagerly coming to you of his own volition.
- 2 Corinthians 8:17
But I did not want to do anything without your consent, so that your goodness will not be out of compulsion, but by your own free will.
- Philemon 1:14
While we don't always get what we want, we always get what we choose.
- John Maxwell
So you will be... What you 'will' to be
- James Allen
No power, no event, no circumstance, can compel a man to evil and unhappiness. He himself is his own compeller. He thinks and acts by his own volition. No being, however wise and great--not even the Supreme--can make him good and happy. He himself must choose the good, and thereby find the happy.
- James Allen
I'd never take a job where I had to do something that I didn't want to do.
- Clay Aiken
Neither can we deny that free will (the power of free choice) is a good thing.
- Norman Geisler
Since God by His very nature (love) cannot force anyone to love Him, it would be highly improper to think of a heaven where people were forced to be there.
- Norman Geisler
Frank! would have argued that we are never left with nothing as long as we retain the freedom to choose how we will respond.
- Viktor E. Frankl