Quotes about Honor
But the olive tree replied, ‘Should I stop giving my oil that honors both God and man, to hold sway over the trees?’
- Judges 9:9
Then Manoah said to the angel of the LORD, “What is your name, so that we may honor you when your word comes to pass?”
- Judges 13:17
said to his mother, “The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from you and about which I heard you utter a curse—I have the silver here with me; I took it.” Then his mother said, “Blessed be my son by the LORD!”
- Judges 17:2
Moreover, I have acquired Ruth the Moabitess, Mahlon’s widow, as my wife, to raise up the name of the deceased through his inheritance, so that his name will not disappear from among his brothers or from the gate of his home. You are witnesses today.”
- Ruth 4:10
He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap. He seats them among princes and bestows on them a throne of honor. For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s, and upon them He has set the world.
- 1 Samuel 2:8
Therefore, the LORD, the God of Israel, declares: ‘I did indeed say that your house and the house of your father would walk before Me forever. But now the LORD declares: Far be it from Me! For I will honor those who honor Me, but those who despise Me will be disdained.
- 1 Samuel 2:30
Then Samuel took Saul and his servant, brought them into the hall, and seated them in the place of honor among those who were invited—about thirty in all.
- 1 Samuel 9:22
“I have sinned,” Saul replied. “Please honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel. Come back with me, so that I may worship the LORD your God.”
- 1 Samuel 15:30
So David marched out and prospered in everything Saul sent him to do, and Saul set him over the men of war. And this was pleasing in the sight of all the people, and of Saul’s officers as well.
- 1 Samuel 18:5
And David said to Saul, “Who am I, and what is my family or my father’s clan in Israel, that I should become the son-in-law of the king?”
- 1 Samuel 18:18
So Jonathan summoned David and told him all these things. Then Jonathan brought David to Saul to serve him as he had before.
- 1 Samuel 19:7
Then Jonathan said to David, “Whatever you desire, I will do for you.”
- 1 Samuel 20:4