Quotes about Seriousness
If you're serious, you really understand that it's important that you laugh as much as possible and admit that you're the funniest person you ever met. You have to laugh. Admit that you're funny. Otherwise, you die in solemnity.
- Maya Angelou
I do not know how to make a man think seriously about sin and judgment, and must look to the work of the Holy Spirit for any hint of such a working.
- Jim Elliot
What is so funny about us is precisely that we take ourselves too seriously. Laughter is the same and healthy response to the innocent foibles of men; and even to some which are not innocent.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Some things will not bear much zeal; and the more earnest we are about them, the less we recommend ourselves to the approbation of sober and considerate men.
- John Tillotson
There are stages in the business of serious life in which to assume is cruel, but to deceive is to destroy; and it is of little consequence, in the conclusion, whether men deceive themselves, or submit, by a kind of mutual consent, to the impositions of each other.
- Thomas Paine
Read not the word carelessly, but with seriousness and affection; as the oracle of heaven, the well of salvation, the book of life.
- Thomas Watson
You know the phrase 'Jesus laughed' isn't ever used in the Gospels. So, most people walk away with the idea that Jesus is a pretty serious guy, pretty sour faced most of the time, pretty upset at what's going on around Him.
- John Eldredge
Nature is in earnest when she makes a woman.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
In other words, you can't take the gospel seriously and not take your relationships seriously.
- Timothy Lane
Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it.
- Oscar Wilde
He felt that life was changeful, fluid, active, and that to allow it to be stereotyped into any form was death. He saw that people should not be too serious over material, common interests: that to be unpractical was to be a great thing: that one should not bother too much over affairs. The birds didn't, why should man?
- Oscar Wilde
Do not expect to grow in holiness if you spend little time alone with God and do not take His Word seriously.
- Joel Beeke