Quotes about Significance
Lord, let me make a difference for You that is utterly disproportionate to who I am.
- John Piper
Come to the end of your life—your one and only precious, God-given life—and let the last great work of your life, before you give an account to your Creator, be this: playing softball and collecting shells. Picture them before Christ at the great day of judgment: "Look, Lord. See my shells." That is a tragedy.
- John Piper
It is about the greatness of God, not the significance of man. God made man small and the universe big to say something about himself.
- John Piper
Do you feel loved by God because you believe he makes much of you, or because you believe he frees you and empowers you to enjoy making much of him?
- John Piper
Desire that your life count for something great! Long for your life to have eternal significance. Want this! Don't coast through life without a passion.
- John Piper
A wise purpose underlay every act of Christ's life on earth. Everything He did was important in itself and in its teaching.
- Ellen White
Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work — that goes on, it adds up.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Normally, if someone's legacy will outlast their life, it's apparent when they die. On the day when Alexander the Great, or Caesar Augustus, or Napoleon, or Socrates, or Muhammad died, their reputations were immense. When Jesus died, his tiny, failed movement appeared clearly at an end.
- John Ortberg
We must not forget that it is not a thing that lends significance to a moment; it is the moment that lends significance to things. —ABRAHAM JOSHUA HESCHEL
- Scot McKnight
On the basis of what the New Testament does say, the final home should not be called "heaven" but instead the "new heavens and the new earth," and this makes a significant difference for understanding that what we do now really does matter—for we will continue doing it on the other side of life after death.
- Scot McKnight
He gave our pain and struggles a holy significance, a redemptive power, which makes it a privilege for us to suffer with Christ.
- Scott Hahn
The destruction of the earth's environment is the human rights challenge of our time.
- Desmond Tutu