Quotes about Significance
Apart from the before, the now has little meaning. The now is only a thin slice of who I am; isolated from the rich deposits of before, it cannot be understood.
- Eugene Peterson
Spirituality means, among other things, taking ourselves seriously. It means going against the cultural stream in which we are incessantly trivialized to the menial status of producers and performers, constantly depersonalized behind the labels of our degrees or our salaries.
- Eugene Peterson
The exact meaning of Jeremiah is not certain: it may mean "the LORD exalts"; it may mean "the LORD hurls." What is certain is that "the LORD," the personal name of God, is in his name.
- Eugene Peterson
We don't become praising people by avoiding or skipping or denying the pain and the poverty and the doubt and the guilt but by entering into them, exploring them, minding their significance, embracing the reality of these experiences. That is what is so distressing about the religious entertainment industry in our land.
- Eugene Peterson
No matter if we come home with the Olympic gold or make a million dollars or pioneer the exploration of space or move the world with some artistic performance or discover the cure to cancer—if we do not love, it is not satisfactory. No matter if we are responsible and work hard and do our jobs well and stay out of trouble and are respected, if we do not love, then somehow we have failed. If we live but do not love, we miss it.
- Eugene Peterson
Ever since Adam's day, the divine law of the Sabbath has been emphasized repeatedly over the centuries more than any other commandment. This long emphasis alone is an indication of its importance.
- James Faust
The awful importance of this life is that it determines eternity.
- William Barclay
We have become a throwaway society. Instead of honoring and preserving our past, we tear it down, shove it aside, and just go on our merry way. Well, I won't have it. We have to stand firm for what we believe in. Only in the most dire circumstances should a structure of historical significance be demolished.
- Beth Hoffman
if it matters to you, it matters to Him.
- Bill Johnson
Whatever I obtain through self-promotion I'll have to sustain through self-promotion. #bornforsignificance
- Bill Johnson
When we know who He made us to be, we'll never want to be anyone else. He has wrapped up His significance in the destiny of every person He called to Himself for salvation.
- Bill Johnson
We must learn to rule with the heart of a servant and serve with the heart of a king. It may take us a lifetime to learn this well, but it is a worthwhile journey. #bornforsignificance
- Bill Johnson