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Quotes about Christlikeness

Man is to represent Christ. He is to be long-suffering toward his fellow men, to be patient, forgiving, and full of Christlike love. He who is truly converted will manifest respect for his brethren; he will do as Christ has commanded. Jesus said, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another".
- Ellen White
are challenged in this passage to discern who it is whom we treat as enemies—those we claim to love but don't, those who never sit at table with us, those we label and libel—and to convert enemies into neighbors by simply extending love to them. Love is to treat others as we treat ourselves, and it is the rugged commitment to be with someone as someone who is for them in order to foster Christlikeness.
- Scot McKnight
Nobody moves toward real Christlikeness without humility. Humility is not a bad self-image or a nonassertive personality. Humility is an eager willingness to see where you are wrong in order to experience the power of God that has already made you fit for His presence.
- Larry Crabb
No one coasts into Christlikeness. Any progress in godliness requires Spirit-filled effort and purpose.
- Donald Whitney
So "come, let us worship" (Psalm 95:6) the one, true God who has ordained the Spiritual Discipline of worshiping Him—in public, in the family, and in private—as one of the most bountiful means of receiving the grace to grow in Christlikeness. For as we grow in the worship of God, we grow in the likeness of Christ.
- Donald Whitney
How can we worship God without worshiping Him in vain? How can we instead "offer to God acceptable worship" (Hebrews 12:28)? We must learn an essential part of pursuing Christlikeness—the Spiritual Discipline of biblical worship.
- Donald Whitney
There will be more Christlikeness in us only when we humble ourselves and say, 'God, I can't live the life you meant for me on my own. I don't have the love, wisdom, or power. But come, Holy Spirit, and pour it into me. Teach me what it means to walk in the Spirit.
- Jim Cymbala
It must be important to God, for he tells us that "without holiness no one will see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14). Holiness is not a list of dos and don'ts. Rather, it is Christlikeness.
- Jim Cymbala
For this reason, let us put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and long-suffering. Let us prove our Christlikeness, not only in our zeal for saving the lost, but also openly in all our interactions with the brethren, by being tolerant and forgiving one another, even as the Lord forgave us
- Andrew Murray
Therefore, let us put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering; and let us prove our Christlikeness not only in our zeal for saving the lost but also in our relationships with others—forbearing and forgiving one another, even as the Lord forgave us.
- Andrew Murray
Pray that He will make you willing to give up everything for the Christlike joy of the Father's constant presence.
- Andrew Murray
Christlikeness is not produced by imitation, but by inhabitation.
- Rick Warren