Quotes about Serendipity
No man was ever wise by chance.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The histories of the lives and fortunes of men are full of instances of this nature,--where favorable times and lucky accidents have done for them, what wisdom or skill could not.
- Laurence Sterne
But as he'd learned through the years, sometimes the best things were found when you weren't looking for them.
- Tamera Alexander
Life is governed by chance, not wisdom.
- Herman Melville
Sometimes, we don't get what we want. . . But this is a benevolent universe. And once in a while, we do.
- Melody Beattie
Sometimes the things you really want sneak in the back door. Notice.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
when we sit down day after day and keep grinding, something mysterious starts to happen. A process is set into motion by which, inevitably and infallibly, heaven comes to our aid. Unseen forces enlist in our cause; serendipity reinforces our purpose. This is the other secret that real artists know and wannabe writers don't. When we sit down each day and do our work, power concentrates around us. The Muse takes note of our dedication.
- Steven Pressfield
I go with the most interesting thing that comes my way,I don't expect it to come from India to tell you the truth, but if it did, fine by me.
- Christoph Waltz
Know that everything will happen at just the right time, at just the right place, with just the right people.
- Wayne Dyer
Everything in this life has a purpose, there are no mistakes, no coincidences.
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
You come as opportunely as cheese on macaroni.
- George Eliot
You don't find love, it finds you. It's got a little bit to do with destiny, fate, and what's written in the stars.
- Anais Nin