Quotes about Blush
There's a blush for won't, and a blush for shan't, And a blush for having done it: There's a blush for thought and a blush for naught, And a blush for just begun it.
- John Keats
The Accusing Spirit, which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blushed as he gave it in; and the Recording Angel, as he wrote it down, dropped a tear upon the word and blotted it out forever.
- Laurence Sterne
According to an eastern fable, the rose was white when God created it, but when, as it unfolded, it felt Adam's eyes upon it, it blushed in modesty and turned pink.
- Victor Hugo
For evil men account those things alone evil which do not make men evil; neither do they blush to praise good things, and yet to remain evil among the good things they praise. It grieves them more to own a bad house than a bad life, as if it were man's greatest good to have everything good but himself.
- St. Augustine
Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.
- Mark Twain
The world has lost the power to blush over its vice; the Church has lost her power to weep over it.
- Leonard Ravenhill