Quotes about Convincing
He could sell the Pope on financing a Mormon tabernacle.
- Anonymous
Physical pleasure was such a convincing illusion, and sex, the ultimate charade of safety.
- Barbara Kingsolver
so convincing were those dreams of being awake that he woke from them in a state of complete exhaustion, and had to go straight back to sleep again.
- Joseph Heller
For if a pastor is not in touch with joy, it will be difficult to teach or preach convincingly that the news is good.
- Eugene Peterson
Only love compels to the death. Dear one, life is hard. Opposition is huge. Circumstances will inevitably happen in all our lives that will defy all discipline, determination, and conviction. Love keeps burning when everything else disintegrates in an ashen heap. Pray for this one thing more than you pray for your next breath. I am convinced love is everything.
- Beth Moore
The best theology would need no advocates; it would prove itself.
- Karl Barth
Because poets are by nature like us, those who are dominated by some passion seem most convincing; The outraged roar and angry are angry most truthfully.
- Aristotle
There is nothing in the world like a persuasive speech to fuddle the mental apparatus.
- Mark Twain
who can stand toe-to-toe with the best and brightest of the secular world, either in person or online, and swell Catholic hearts everywhere by making the faith appear not only plausible but more convincing, more humane, and ultimately more loving than its cultured despisers are. Here's one clear sign of his success: In the English language, after Pope Francis, Barron is the most-followed Catholic figure on social media.
- Robert Barron
the scientific data point powerfully toward the existence of a Creator and that the historical evidence for the resurrection establishes convincingly that Jesus is divine.
- Lee Strobel
reporting of matters that were far more important, not only to him but to others as well?"2 Matters, for example, such as the resurrection of Jesus, which Luke says was firmly established by "many convincing proofs" (Acts 1:3). Are you as intrigued as I was by what
- Lee Strobel
I'm merely trying to give you the sort of argument that would appeal to your intelligence.
- F Scott Fitzgerald