Quotes about Comprehension
I'm just getting older and I'm understanding the game and I'm more experienced in the league.
- Mike Evans
My attitude is different. And no one understands me the way my friends do.
- Hima Das
It's really tricky to find someone who understands the relationship that Tessa and I have, because it's unique.
- Scott Moir
Some people spend their time reasoning and thinking out everything, and so anything that cannot be fully understood, they will not accept. We call these people 'intellectuals.'
- Mother Angelica
The man of science, like the man of letters, is too apt to view mankind only in the abstract, selecting in his consideration only a single side of our complex and many-sided being.
- James G. Frazer
An unliterary man may be defined as one who reads books once only.
- CS Lewis
The wise man knows of all things, as far as possible, although he has no knowledge of each of them in detail
- Aristotle
Expositional listening is listening for the meaning of a passage of Scripture and accepting that meaning as the main idea to be grasped for our personal and corporate lives as Christians.
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile
All Scripture ought to be read in the spirit in which it was written.
- Thomas a Kempis
The more a man hath unity and simplicity in himself, the more things and the deeper things he understandeth;
- Thomas a Kempis
Love follows knowledge.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Knowledge is according to the mode of the one who knows; for the thing known is in the knower according to the mode of the knower.
- St. Thomas Aquinas