Quotes about Comprehension
Concentration is another name for what we have called activity in reading. The good reader reads actively, with concentration.
- Mortimer Adler
It pays to know how to purchase knowledge.
- Napoleon Hill
To know the laws is not to memorize their letter but to grasp their full force and meaning.
- Cicero
Interpretation is not necessarily a separate step from observation, for often, as you carefully observe the text, at that very moment you begin to see what it means. Thus, interpretation flows out of observation.
- Kay Arthur
Does everything always have to mean something else?" I ask before we get started. Who knew that literature was so tangled and complicated? "That is a wonderful lesson, Sang Ly. Remember it." "What was it again?" I ask, not certain to what she was referring. She repeats it for me. "In literature, everything means something.
- Camron Wright
It turns out that the God whose word will stand forever does not exist to insure our fantasies that we will not have to die as individuals or as a species. Such a God, moreover, does not invite us to presume we can comprehend God's creation.
- Stanley Hauerwas
I've heard girls like it when you listen
- Susan May Warren
A real student will not merely read this book, he will absorb its contents and make them his own.
- Napoleon Hill
Knowledge of the merchandise.
- Napoleon Hill
the verses that follow appear to stress the mental deficiency of the darkness: its unwillingness to believe and therefore its inability to comprehend. Then, as the story of Jesus unfolds, John will show that truth is nonsense to a mind darkened by sin (8:
- Charles Swindoll
Not know it was hard;knowing it was harder
- Toni Morrison
She heard it as though it were what language was made for
- Toni Morrison