Quotes about Crowd
They saw a large crowd around them and scribes disputing with them… . He asked, "What are you arguing with them about?" Mark 9:14, 16
- Beth Moore
I love doing the in-ring promos more than doing the backstage promos because I love being able to interact with the crowd.
- Alexa Bliss
Satan rejoices when old habits overwhelm [us] and we cave in to the pressure of the crowd . . .perhaps temptation lures [us] into sin . . .a backsliding Christian compromises their faith and causes unbelievers to mock the Gospel.
- Billy Graham
How often do you cave in to the pressures of the crowd, seeking the approval of others instead of the approval of God? We all like to be liked—but that can be a very dangerous thing. Make it your goal to live for Christ and be faithful to Him, regardless of what the crowd demands.
- Billy Graham
Jesus prayed briefly when He was in a crowd; He prayed a little longer when He was with His disciples; and He prayed all night when He was alone. Today, many in the ministry tend to reverse that process.
- Billy Graham
A poet is an unhappy being whose heart it torn by secret sufferings, but whose lips are so strangely formed that when the sighs and the cries escape them, they sound like beautiful music... and then people crowd about the poet and say to him: "Sing for us soon again;" that is as much as to say. "May new sufferings torment your soul."
- Soren Kierkegaard
You have to take control of the crowd because there have been times when they have scared people. The 'Bayley: This Is Your Life' segment - the girl who was Bayley's best friend, the crowd was yelling at her. They were like, 'Boring, what?'
- Alexa Bliss
I feel like it's harder to perform in front of a smaller crowd sometimes still than it is a larger crowd.
- Alexa Bliss
With my natural communication abilities, I could probably gather a crowd even without the Spirit.
- Francis Chan
After being away from it for so long, it's really nice to go out and have 10- or 15,000 people show up and enjoy it. It leaves you with a very good feeling.
- Butch Trucks
Drag was not only my introduction to womanhood, but my introduction to entertainment. It was the first time I realized that I could move a crowd.
- Trace Lysette
Walking into the crowd was like sinking into a stew - you became an ingredient, you took on a certain flavour.
- Margaret Atwood