Quotes about Sovereignty
Nobody seriously believes the universe was made by God without being persuaded that He takes care of His works.
- John Calvin
The presence of hope in the invincible sovereignty of God drives out fear.
- John Piper
Wherefore me behoveth needs to grant that all-thing that is done, it is well-done: for our Lord God doeth all.
- Julian of Norwich
To God on whom we rely knows what suffering is all about- not merely in the way that God knows everything, but by experience.
- DA Carson
The will of God prevails.
- Abraham Lincoln
Of all the doctrines of the Bible none is so offensive to human nature as the doctrine of God's sovereignty.
- JC Ryle
The hand of the wicked can't stir one moment before God allows them to begin, and...one moment after God commands them to stop.
- JC Ryle
When God saves us through Christ, He not only saves us from the penalty of sin, but also from its dominion.
- Jerry Bridges
Creatures are so governed by the secret counsel of God, that nothing happens but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed.
- John Calvin
We cannot enjoy peace in this world unless we are ready to yield to the will of God in respect of death. Our times are in His hand, at His sovereign disposal. We must accept that as best.
- John Owen
It is God who creates, effects, and preserves all things through his almighty.
- Martin Luther
I think to trust in the sovereignty of God does not excuse my personal responsibility. Just the opposite - it equips me to be personally responsible.
- Max Lucado