Quotes about Sovereignty
i\in view of God's sovereign control, God will accomplish his purposes in our lives even when we make decisions we later regret.
- Edward Welch
Anger is against God because he is the one who directs the details of our lives. In fact, in our anger and outrage, we have decided that we want to be God rather than submit to him.
- Edward Welch
Are you worried? Jesus says there is nothing to worry about. It isn't our kingdom, it's God's. We take our cue from the King, and the King is not fretting over anything. He is in complete control.
- Edward Welch
Even to observe neutrality you must have a strong government.
- Alexander Hamilton
When I am not king, then THE Kingdom has its best chance of breaking through.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Because God is sovereignly in control, accidents are just incidents in God's good plan for you.
- Rick Warren
It is God who directs the lives of his creatures; everyone's life is in his power.
- Rick Warren
I believe very confidently in the truth of Scripture, where it says that there is no authority, no power given to man except as given by God.
- Steven Curtis Chapman
Be it only for a day, it is still a glory without equal to be master of the world just that day.
- Pierre Corneille
Our prayers cannot force God to do anything, but He uses them as His own instruments to bring about His will.
- RC Sproul
God sometimes answers our prayers by giving us what we would have asked for had we known what He knows.
- JD Greear
Almighty God, we make our earnest prayer that thou wilt keep the United States in thy holy protection.
- George Washington