Quotes about Sovereignty
Whence follows the plain conclusion, that if all men were elected, no man would perish.
- John Calvin
God does not defer his help any longer than fits his purpose. Unlike
- John Calvin
We are taught that the salvation of all the elect is as certain as that God's power is invincible. Besides
- John Calvin
Each year, month, and day is governed by a new, a special, providence of God
- John Calvin
The decree is dreadful indeed, I confess.
- John Calvin
For even if the Word in his immeasurable essence united with the nature with the nature of man into one person, we do not imagine that he was confined therein. Here is something marvelous: the Son of God descended from heaven in such a way that, without leaving heaven, he willed to be borne in the virgin's womb, to go about earth, and to hang upon the cross; yet he continuously filled the world even as he had done from the beginning.
- John Calvin
As all future events are uncertain to us, so we hold them in suspense, as if they might incline to one side or the other. Yet in our hearts it nonetheless remains fixed that nothing will take place that the Lord has not previously foreseen.
- John Calvin
The reason for God's keeping some for himself and rejecting others is to be sought nowhere but in God himself.
- John Calvin
Therefore, God's foreknowledge cannot be the reason of our election, because when God [looks into the future and] surveys all mankind, he will find them all, from the first to the last, under the same curse.
- John Calvin
But the secret counsel of God is something else. It is so deep and so high that no exploration can attain to it.
- John Calvin
But we are not to forget that the stability of our salvation is not in us but in the secret election of God.
- John Calvin
Unless God himself had by his election redeemed us from ruin, there would have been nothing but ruin to foresee.
- John Calvin