Quotes about Sovereignty
Yet God controls the king's heart. The stubborn will of the most powerful monarch on earth is directed by God as easily as the farmer directs the flow of water in his irrigation canals.
- Jerry Bridges
Why did Rehoboam make such a foolish decision? The Scripture says, "So the king did not listen to the people, for this turn of events was from the LORD, to fulfill the word the LORD had spoken" (1 Kings 12:15). Two foolish decisions were made, in two instances good advice was rejected and harmful or foolish advice was followed. Both instances are attributed to the sovereign work of God guiding the minds of the kings to accomplish His will.
- Jerry Bridges
Proverbs 21:31, "The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD," is one of the most frequently stated truths about the sovereignty of God in all of the Old Testament.
- Jerry Bridges
The fact is we do not know what God is doing through a particular set of circumstances or events.
- Jerry Bridges
We as Christians should put our trust in God, not in our nation's armaments.
- Jerry Bridges
There is no conflict in the Bible between His sovereignty and our responsibility.
- Jerry Bridges
Details are important, and God is just as sovereign over the details as He is over the so-called "big picture.
- Jerry Bridges
No one can harm you or jeopardize your future apart from the sovereign will of God.
- Jerry Bridges
But God never allows people to make decisions about us that undermine His plan for us.
- Jerry Bridges
Just as we should learn to stop asking why, or searching for rational explanations, or seeking to discover what "good" there is in our own adversities, so we must also learn to quiet our hearts in regard to God's government of the universe.
- Jerry Bridges
our innate tendency to think our country is always right. We assume that God will bless our side with victory. The Bible does not support such a view. In fact, according to biblical history, God sometimes uses an evil nation to punish another one, then in turn punishes the first nation for its sin.
- Jerry Bridges
If God controls the circumstances of the sparrow, how much more does He control the circumstances that affect us?
- Jerry Bridges