Quotes about Validity
Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Truth is not determined by a majority vote.
- Pope Benedict XVI
It is not our believing of the Gospel that makes it true. It exists as independent, true Truth.
- Alistair Begg
Why, after all, take as our standard a material world whose existence is affirmed by nothing more trustworthy than the sense-impressions of "normal men"; those imperfect and easily cheated channels of communication?
- Evelyn Underhill
The Ten Commandments are just as valid today as they were when God gave them. They reflect the moral character of God, and they also provide the foundation of right living with others.
- Billy Graham
Indeed, truth draws strength from itself and not from the number of votes in its favour.
- Pope Benedict XVI
A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.
- Oscar Wilde
The Bible - the wisest document ever known in human existence, which defies the ravages of time and change because it contains the truth that cannot be changed or invalidated.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Our ideas must agree with realities, be such realities concrete or abstract
- William James
A thing may be incredible and still be true; sometimes it is incredible because it is true.
- Herman Melville
Scientists have power by virtue of the respect commanded by the discipline... We live with poets and politicians, preachers and philosophers. All have their ways of knowing, and all are valid in their proper domain. The world is too complex and interesting for one way to hold all the answers.
- Stephen Jay Gould
The question: 'is the Euclidean geometry true?' has no significance for Poincaré, for these is no such thing as one geometry being more true than another.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen