Quotes about Skepticism
The improver of natural science absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of duties: blind faith the one unpardonable sin.
- Thomas Henry Huxley
I am too much of a skeptic to deny the possibility of anything.
- Thomas Henry Huxley
All this is nothing better than the jargon of a conjuror, who picks up phrases he does not understand to confound the credulous people who come to have their fortune told. Priests and conjurors are of the same trade .
- Thomas Paine
Should doubt knock at your doorway, just say to those skeptical, disturbing, rebellious thoughts, I propose to stay with my faith, with the faith of my people.
- Thomas Monson
Let the skeptics have their doubts. I prefer to believe that ideas do have wings!
- Norman Vincent Peale
He was a cynic and like most cynics, totally selfish and self-indulgent.
- Norman Vincent Peale
One who never anticipates deceit or expects duplicity, and yet is the first to recognize such things — is that not a sage indeed?
- Confucius
Looking over the country with those sunken eyes as if the world out there had been altered or made suspect by what he'd seen of it elsewhere. As if he might never see it right again. Or worse did see it right at last. See it as it had always been, would forever be.
- Cormac McCarthy
Because a lot of the time ever when I say anything about how the world is goin to hell in a handbasket people will just sort of smile and tell me I'm gettin old.
- Cormac McCarthy
I don't believe in the world, not in money, nor in advancement, nor in the future of our civilization.
- DH Lawrence
The Jews proposed the ridiculous story that the guards had fallen asleep. Obviously, they were grasping at straws. But the point is this: they started with the assumption that the tomb was vacant! Why? Because they knew it was!
- Lee Strobel
He has certainly not been paying me compliments. Perhaps that is the reason that I don't believe anything he has told me.
- Oscar Wilde