Quotes about Can
Behold, I am against you who dwell above the valley, atop the rocky plateau—declares the LORD—you who say, “Who can come against us? Who can enter our dwellings?”
- Jeremiah 21:13
Knock the T off the word can't. You can do anything—ANYTHING—if you think you can!
- Norman Vincent Peale
He heard the fireman clank shut the door and leave and he poured the coffee and stirred in milk from a can and sipped and blew and read of wildness and violence across the cup's rim. As it was then, is now and ever shall.
- Cormac McCarthy
So nigh is grandeur to our dust, So near is God to man. When Duty whispers low, Thou must, The youth replies, I can.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our assignment has never been about what we can do for God, but what can God do through us. That is the essence of the gospel: to do exactly what Jesus did and destroy the works of the devil.
- Bill Johnson
The circumstances of your life have uniquely qualified you to make a contribution. And if you don't make that contribution, nobody else can make it.
- Harold S. Kushner
We cannot all ARGUE, but we can all PRAY; We cannot all be LEADERS, but we can all be PLEADERS; We cannot all be mighty in RHETORIC, but we can all be prevalent in PRAYER.
- Charles Spurgeon
So nigh is grandeur to our dust, So near is God to man, When Duty whispers low, 'Thou must,' The youth whispers, 'I can.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
No act of man can claim to be more than an attempt, not even science.
- Karl Barth
No law made by man can overturn that of the Creator without dramatically affecting society in its very foundation.
- Pope Benedict XVI