Quotes about Tradition
I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that - as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time.
- Charles Dickens
He is of what is called the old school - a phrase generally meaning any school that seems never to have been young.
- Charles Dickens
She never went out herself, and like a great many other old ladies of the same stamp, she was apt to consider it an act of domestic treason, if anybody else took the liberty of doing what she couldn't.
- Charles Dickens
it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!
- Charles Dickens
Conservatism is the policy of make no change and consult your grandmother when in doubt.
- Woodrow Wilson
Society may no longer define marriage in the only way marriage has ever been defined in the annals of recorded history. Many societies allowed polygamy, many allowed child marriages, some allowed marriage within families; but none, in thousands of years, defined marriage as the union of people of the same sex.
- Dennis Prager
I think the amazing thing about gospel music is that not only does it lift up the death and resurrection of our Lord, which is consistent with the Gospel, but it is uniquely communicated depending upon the generation.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Hold firmly that our faith is identical with that of the ancients. Deny this, and you dissolve the unity of the Church.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
It still may take some explaining, but many more women are keeping their birth names (and not calling them maiden names, with all the sexual double standards that implies).
- Gloria Steinem
In America, evangelical churches have often been bastions of conservatism, providing support for the status quo.
- Tony Campolo
What I love about Christmas music is it stays around every year and comes back.
- India Arie
There's been a concerted effort to steal Christmas.
- Jerry Falwell