Quotes about Creation
The reason we are justified in trusting our minds is that God designed them to "fit" the world he created.
- Nancy Pearcey
The biological structure of our bodies is not some evolutionary accident.
- Nancy Pearcey
The core of the evolution controversy can thus be phrased in simple terms: Did mind create matter? Or did matter give rise to mind? According to a theistic worldview, mind is primary. It is the fundamental creative force in the universe (whether God created the world quickly by fiat or slowly by a gradual process). Darwin reversed things. According to his theory, matter is the primary creative force, and mind emerged only very late in evolutionary history.10
- Nancy Pearcey
When God redeems us, He releases us from the guilt and power of sin, and restores us to our full humanity, so that we can once again carry out the tasks for which we were created. Because of Christ's redemption on the cross, our work takes on a new aspect as well- it becomes a means of sharing in His redemptive purposes. In cultivating creation, we not only recover our original purpose, but also bring a redemptive force to reverse the evil and corruption introduced by the fall.
- Nancy Pearcey
Our vocation is not something we do for God- which would put the burden on us to perform and achieve. Instead, it is a way we participate in God's work. For God himself is engaged not only in the work of salvation, but also in the work of preserving and maintaining His creation.
- Nancy Pearcey
The ordered patterns in nature are not logically necessary. They are contingent on God's will.
- Nancy Pearcey
Randall concludes, "When science seemed to take God out of the universe, men had to deify some natural force, like 'evolution.
- Nancy Pearcey
As Paul says in Romans, if you reject the biblical God, you will deify something within the created order.
- Nancy Pearcey
The inescapable fact that we are personal beings constitutes evidence that our origin is a personal Being.
- Nancy Pearcey
The whole creation of God preaches
- Nancy Pearcey
No matter how hard people work to suppress their knowledge of God, creation itself keeps challenging them. "Human life is a continual wrestling match with God and his created order," writes Thomas Johnson. 14
- Nancy Pearcey
It is the height of illogic to think that humans originated from anything with lower functionality than themselves—from a something instead of a Someone.
- Nancy Pearcey