Quotes about Mother
Yes, Mother. I can see you are flawed. You have not hidden it. That is your greatest gift to me.
- Alice Walker
My mother would tell me that the shortest cut to purification after the unholy touch was to cancel the touch by touching any Mussalman passing by.
- Mahatma Gandhi
If Nature is our mother, then God is our father.
- Henry David Thoreau
The influence of a mother upon the lives of her children cannot be measured. They know and absorb her example and attitudes when it comes to questions of honesty, temperance, kindness and industry.
- Billy Graham
My mother is a walking miracle.
- Leonardo DiCaprio
See that your children are properly educated in the rudiments of their mother tongue, and then let them proceed to higher branches of learning.
- Brigham Young
Children should be able to see the Gospel modeled in the way their father loves their mother with a sacrificial love.
- Alistair Begg
By the blessings of heaven I mean to live and die, please God, in the faith of my mother.
- William McKinley
Mary is the sure path to our meeting with Christ. Devotion to the Mother of the Lord, when it is genuine, is always an impetus to a life guided by the spirit and values of the Gospel.
- Pope John Paul II
Idleness is a mother. She has a son, robbery, and a daughter, hunger.
- Victor Hugo
The mother is the one who is going to help you in the long run! You must make her your friend. It matters what she thinks.
- Sofia Vergara
She is more Mother than Queen.
- St. Therese of Lisieux