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Quotes about Dreams

When you keep your vision in front of you, that's your faith being released. That's why the scripture uses such strong language that says people perish for lack of vision. That means dreams die when you don't have vision. If you can't see what God has put in your heart, then you'll miss the incredible things God wants to do.
- Joel Osteen
Maybe right now you can't see how to overcome an obstacle, accomplish your dreams, or forgive someone who hurt you, but understand that when you get there God will hand you the ticket. He purchased it two thousand years ago on a cross at Calvary.
- Joel Osteen
They're a part of His divine plan. Think of a seed. As long as a seed remains in the light, it cannot germinate and will never become what it was created to be. The seed must be planted in the soil, in a dark place, so that the potential on the inside will come to life. In the same way, there are seeds of greatness in us—dreams, goals, talents, potential—that will only come to life in a dark place.
- Joel Osteen
Will you keep believing even when your situation looks impossible? Life will try to push you down, steal your dreams and talk you into settling for mediocrity, but if you will stay in faith and stir up what God's put on the inside, He will bring every promise to pass.
- Joel Osteen
This is going to be a good day! I believe my dreams are coming to pass. God has great things in store.
- Joel Osteen
You may feel as though you're at a disadvantage. It's causing you to shrink back, to not pursue your dreams. Like Gideon, you may not be able to see it, but even the enemy knows you're royalty. Even the enemy knows you are destined to do great things.
- Joel Osteen
Let me ask you, what are you expecting? Big things, little things, or nothing at all? It's easy to anticipate the worst. But if you'll switch over into faith and expect the best--to excel, to accomplish your dreams--then you'll draw in blessings and favor.
- Joel Osteen
I will ask God to bring to pass those hidden dreams that are deep in my heart. If certain promises don't look like they will happen, I will not be intimidated and give up
- Joel Osteen
He wants to do something amazing in your life. Get in agreement and say, "God, this is for me today. I'm raising my expectations. I'm shaking off doubt, negativity, disappointments, self-pity, little dreams, and little goals, and God, I will make room for a flood of Your goodness.
- Joel Osteen
To live your best life now, you must start looking at life through eyes of faith, seeing yourself rising to new levels. See your business taking off. See your marriage restored. See your family prospering. See your dreams coming to pass. You must conceive it and believe it is possible if you ever hope to experience it.
- Joel Osteen
If you want to make God happy, if you want to put a smile on His face, go to Him with boldness, go to Him like you know He's proud of you, like you know you deserve to be there, like you know He wants to be good to you. Ask Him for your dreams. Pray bold prayers. You're not inconveniencing Him. You don't have to earn God's love. You don't have to work for His approval. You don't have to pay God back for your mistakes.
- Joel Osteen
But if you'll be faithful with the gift you have, if you'll develop it, grow, learn, and get better, that gift will open doors to places you've never dreamed.
- Joel Osteen